2020-03-05 11:25:03
齊魯網·閃電新聞3月5日訊 為匯聚戰勝疫情的國際合力,日前,山東省人民政府外事辦公室、山東人民對外友好協會聯合發起“心手相連、共戰疫情”國際友好活動,倡導各攸關方通過各種方式深化疫情防控國際合作,加強疫情防控信息通報,相互提供力所能及的幫助和支持,及時妥善解決僑民在當地遇到的困難和問題。號召大家心手相連、共戰疫情,共同打贏這場沒有硝煙的戰爭。
A Letter Regarding the Initiative of“Join Hands in Fighting Against COVID-19”
As a Chinese saying goes, true friendship stands out in time of adversity. Since the outbreak of COVID-19, you have taken prompt actions to express sympathies, made donations, supported the people of Shandong in the fight against the virus in multiple ways, contributed to a community with a shared future for mankind with concrete actions, and boosted Shandong’s efforts on curbing the epidemic. We would like to express our heartfelt thanks to you.
There is only one Earth in the universe and we mankind have only one homeland. Now that the COVID-19 outbreaks have emerged in many countries, epidemic containment and mitigation has become the shared responsibility of all human beings. To forge greater synergy for the fight, Foreign Affairs Office of Shandong Provincial People's Government and Shandong People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries initiate an international activity of “Join Hands in Fighting Against COVID-19”. The aim is to encourage all stakeholders to deepen international cooperation through various means, strengthen notification, provide assistance and support to each other to the best of our ability, and properly resolve difficulties and problems confronting local foreign nationals. Shandong will, acting in an open, transparent and responsible manner, notify you about the outbreak promptly, and share our experience about epidemic prevention and control. We look forward to your participation in this initiative, so that we can join hands in fighting this “war without smoke”.
Nothing is impossible to a willing heart. As long as we work closely together to battle against the epidemic, we will defeat the virus and make our shared planet a better place.
Foreign Affairs Office of Shandong Provincial People's Government
Shandong People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries
March 3, 2020
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