

認識中國 先認識山東|國際范兒的鞏俐是山東的



2025-01-17 14:32:01

齊魯網·閃電新聞1月17日訊 She reached the pinnacle of her career upon her debut. In 1988, she portrayed Jiu'er, a character who dared to love and hate, in "Red Sorghum", and won the Golden Bear Award at Berlin International Film Festival for her performance. In 1992, she won the Venice Best Actress Award for her role in the film "The Story of Qiu-Ju," becoming the first Chinese actress to receive the prestigious honor.

At several major international film festivals, she often appears in look imbued with oriental charm, exuding oriental charisma in every gesture

She was born in Jinan, Shandong, a city full of historical heritage that molded her initial simplicity and resilience. From Jinan to the world stage, she has proven herself through her exceptional talents. She is a shining symbol of Chinese cinema and an inspiration to countless people. She is Gong Li! 




閃電新聞記者 李翔睿 單曉燕 劉婷如 王璇 實習生 李夢凡 李天浩

[責任編輯:劉婷如 單曉燕 梁延菊 李翔睿]

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