齊魯網·閃電新聞10月15日訊 10月15日至17日,第六次中國—中東歐國家地方領導人會議在煙臺舉辦,克羅地亞前副總理司馬安參加會議,并接受山東廣播電視臺、山東國際傳播中心專訪。專訪中有哪些亮點?跟隨王雨的鏡頭一起去看看吧!
From October 15th to 17th, the Sixth China-CEEC Local Leaders' Meeting is held in Yantai. Ante simonic,the former Deputy Prime Minister of Croatia, attended the meeting and was interviewed by Shandong radio and Television Station and Shandong International Communication Center.What are the highlights of the interview? Follow our lens to take a closer look!