

TA從東方走來 在南半球點亮“萬里音緣”



2025-01-26 22:15:01


齊魯網·閃電新聞1月20日訊 巳巳如意,牡丹迎春。今年,山東春晚分會場首次走向海外。來自菏澤的牡丹、馬面裙,在澳洲驚艷亮相。牡丹自古被視為“百花之魁”,菏澤以牡丹聞名,被譽為“中國牡丹之都”。兩百多年前,牡丹是菏澤向世界遞出的“第一張名片”。如今,菏澤牡丹更是化身中外友誼的“美麗使者”,將一份美好的東方祝福送往世界。這個春節,誰將身穿“牡丹迎春”馬面裙出現在澳大利亞街頭?又將在世界的南半球開啟怎樣的奇遇?鎖定山東春晚,在《萬里音緣》中尋找答案。

Si Si as you wish in the Year of the Snake, and peonies have come to welcome this spring. This year, the sub-venue of the Shandong Spring Festival Gala will make its debut overseas, with the peonies and Horse-faced Skirts from Heze making a stunning appearance in Australia.

The much-admired and widely praised peony has been regarded as the "King of Flowers" since ancient times. Also, Heze is famous for its peonies. More than two hundred years ago, the peony was the first cultural card Heze presented to the world. Now, Heze peony has been acting as the "beautiful messenger," witnessing the friendship between China and foreign countries, and hopes to send wonderful oriental blessings to the world. 

Who will wear Horse-faced Skirts designed in "Celebrating Spring with Peonies" on the streets of Australia? What amazing surprises will come out? Stay tuned to the Shandong Spring Festival Gala and explore the answers in the programs!

[責任編輯:王格 穆廣輝 穆楠 郭常宏]

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