齊魯網·閃電新聞9月26日訊 孔子是中國的,也是世界的。孔子的思想,在全球各個角落閃耀光芒,如同一條無形的線,把不同膚色、不同國家的人連接起來,組成一個世界大家庭。作為孔子出生地的山東 也向世界展示著其厚重的文化。
千年之前,沿著孔子思想傳播的軌跡,世界目光聚焦東方,東西方文化加快交融。27日,焦點將再次來到山東,“對話孔子,互鑒文明”不僅是即將開幕的2024中國國際孔子文化節的主題,也是全球文化交流與互鑒的重要方向。孔夫子將以新的腳步 從山東走向世界
Confucius belongs to not only China, but also the world. Confucius thought shines brightly at all corners of the globe. Confucius thought, like an invisible thread, connects people of different colors and countries to form a big global family. In addition, Shandong, as the birthplace of Confucius, is showing its profound culture to the world.
Millennia ago, along the spread trajectory of Confucius thought, the world’s attention focused on the East, and the fusion of the Eastern and Western cultures accelerated. On 27th, the focus will shift to Shandong again. “Dialogue with Confucius, Mutual Learning among Civilizations” is not only the theme of the approaching 2024 China International Confucius Cultural Festival, but also an important orientation of exchanges and mutual learning among global cultures. Confucius will make new strides from Shandong to the world.