

認識中國 先認識山東|山東人都有武術DNA?



2025-01-25 14:00:01

齊魯網·閃電新聞1月25日訊 There's no denying that Shandong boasts an incredibly profound heritage in martial arts culture. Wandering through the streets of Shandong, and in the morning, you'll surely spot elderly men and women in the parks executing their boxing routines with a fluid grace. Each move is a show to the wisdom passed down from ancestors.

A second thought may lead to the conclusion that the generosity inherent in Shandong people is somewhat similar to the Chinese knight-errant in martial arts. Maybe it's this very passion that has led people to the misconception that all Shandong folks are in possession of secret martial arts manuals, and with a mere turn of the page, they're capable of scaling walls and bounding across rooftops with ease.

Nevertheless, if you pay a visit to Shandong, you might just chance upon a few unassuming martial arts masters. And who knows, they might just treat you to a breathtaking display of their martial arts prowess!




閃電新聞記者 李翔睿 單曉燕 劉婷如 王璇 實習生 李夢凡 李天浩

[責任編輯:劉婷如 單曉燕 梁義 郭常宏]

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